


SAC student Marissa Garcia often does her homework with her laptop in front of her, 她的一边是一个四岁的孩子,另一边是一个两岁的孩子.

虽然兼顾父母并不总是那么容易, 一份全职工作和大学课程, 她有很多继续前进的理由.

“My 4-year-old child says, ‘I want to go to a big school like you,’加西亚说. “我知道,通过上大学,他们以我为榜样.”

Parents like Garcia make up 23 percent of SAC’s student population, 莉娜·斯科特说, 学生成功办公室的奖学金协调员. 因为这个群体在他们的教育中面临着独特的障碍, SAC is strengthening its efforts to support student parents and help them stay in school.

一个新的 页面 serves as a central listing of resources for student parents for the first time.

该清单包括对任何有需要的学生的帮助,例如 Whataburger的资源室, a food pantry with perishable and non-perishable food items, toiletries and diapers, and the 犰狳精品, which provides professional, casual and children’s clothing to students. 这些和其他支持可以在 学生维权中心 在校园.

其他资源是专门为父母提供的. A student-parent support group, the Student Parent Network, began 在校园 in February. 这个小组每周开会一次, providing lunch and welcoming children while connecting students to resources such as 金融援助, 咨询等等.

SAC最近增加了适合家庭使用的设施, such as dedicated lactation rooms in three buildings 在校园 and diaper-changing stations to restrooms in older buildings. 从今年秋天开始, multiple parking spaces 在校园 will be reserved for student parents with small children and pregnant students. 在穆迪学习中心的SAC图书馆, 孩子们可以在KidSpot安静地阅读和玩耍, 一个适合家庭的学习空间, 而他们的父母在附近学习.

Student parents also have access to priority registration at SAC so they can register early for the classes that fit their schedules.

One of the biggest challenges facing student parents is childcare. While the Early Childhood Center 在校园 provides high-quality childcare students for children ages 12 months to 4 years, there are currently only 50 spots available for children of students.

The 澳门新葡京博彩区 is currently exploring options to address childcare needs for students, including vouchers for childcare services in the community and the possibility of drop-in childcare 在校园es, 斯科特说.

For Garcia, some of the most critical support has come from caring professors at SAC. 当她感到不知所措时, her professors gave her the help and understanding she needed to complete her work and stay enrolled.

“好几次我都想放弃, 但是教授们很灵活,和我一起工作,”她说。.

ACD的所有教授, 包括囊, 是否接受过与学生家长合作帮助他们成功的培训, whether that’s referring them to support outside the classroom or offering flexible deadlines for assignments as needed.

Serving the student parent population is becoming a priority throughout the ACD to help this population of students stay enrolled and complete their education.

斯科特说:“这确实成为一个焦点. 其中一位(ACD主席)博士. Flores’ priorities is breaking the cycle of poverty through education.”

The Empowerment Center 在校园 was another source of support for Garcia. The center helps non-traditional students succeed in school by connecting them to advisors, 金融援助, 校园资源. 加西亚加入了该中心的阿德兰特领导学院, where she was able to develop leadership skills while networking with other student parents.

“They understood that being a parent and going to school has its struggles, but they provided resources to make it easier for you to continue,加西亚说.

Garcia will graduate at the end of the fall semester with an associate degree in social work. She’ll then transfer to a four-year institution to pursue a bachelor’s degree.

但她期待毕业还有另一个原因. 作为LULAC家长/子女奖学金的获得者, her successful graduation means one of her sons will be able to attend any college within the 澳门新葡京博彩区 tuition-free.

Garcia encourages any parent thinking about pursuing a college degree to do it, 因为有支持.

“采取主动,你就不会后悔. Everyone is so helpful and they will help you accomplish your goals,”她说。. “开始永远不会太晚.”

