
星期三,9月. 18 and Thursday, Sept. 19
从早上9点开始.m. 到3点.m.
Candler Physical Education Center (CPEC) Gym 2

Join us at SAC's 资源公平 to explore the variety of academic and student support services that the college has to offer. Meet faculty and staff in various departments, programs, offices, and services. The SAC 资源公平 is an opportunity for SAC students to connect with all the resources 圣安东尼奥 大学 has to offer.

为在线, 晚上, and weekend students, visit our playlist of videos showcasing SAC's academic and student support services 在这里

Current Participants

  • Academic Success Centers
  • ACE Tech Store/OTS
  • 建议/Graduation
  • 阿拉莫的工作
  • 的人或物
  • 美国手语 & Interpreter Training
  • 评估
  • 牙科协助
  • Department of Public Policy & 服务
    • 法院报告
    • 刑事司法
    • 人类服务
    • 政治科学
    • Public Administration
  • Department of Social, Cultural, Behavioral Studies
    • Early Childhood Center
    • 历史
    • Mexican American Studies
    • 社会学
    • 社会工作
  • 梦想家俱乐部
  • DSO 人类服务: 阿拉莫的工作
  • 生态中心
  • First Responder Academy
  • Healthy Futures of Texas
  • Honors Academy Program
  • 运动机能学
  • KSYM.org Radio Station/Student 新闻paper
  • 语言 & 哲学
    • 非母语英语课程
    • 世界语言
    • 哲学
  • Law Enforcement Academy
  • 图书馆服务
  • 医疗协助
  • 太平间科学
  • 自然科学
  • Nursing ADN/RN to BSN
  • Office of International Student Programs
  • Office of 学生生活
  • Office of Student Records
  • Outreach/Recruitment/Alamo Promise
  • PTK (Phi Theta Kappa) Honors Society Club
  • 囊的男人
  • 囊奖学金
  • 圣安东尼奥 Food Bank
  • 圣安东尼奥 Ready to Work
  • Student Accessibility 服务
  • Student Advocacy Center
  • Student Enrichment Center
  • Student Government Association
  • Talk About It Texas
  • 艺术
    • Communication-Journalism-Photography
    • 广播、电视、电影
    • Communication Design
    • 音乐行业
    • 体系结构
    • 跳舞
    • 戏剧
    • 音乐
    • 演讲
    • 视觉艺术
  • 三杆SSS
  • TRIO Veterans SSS
  • University Health-社区 Initiatives & Population Health Dept.
  • 退伍军人事务
  • 通过
  • Wellness 360 Clinic