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在一次特别会议上, the 阿拉莫大学 校董会 approved the 澳门新葡京博彩区's 2024-2025 revenue budget of $811.300万美元,其中包括5.28亿美元的运营预算.

This funding supports multiple investments into student-focused strategies, 留住我们的高素质人才, 核心服务的可持续性.

All these efforts align with the 区’s moonshot of partnering to end poverty through education and training, ultimately contributing to the development of the future workforce by removing barriers and promoting access for underserved populations.

这些投资支持了近77名学生,在即将到来的学年里,我们将招收1000名学生, 以及我们的AlamoPROMISE项目, 现在在贝尔全县和AlamoBOOKS +上都有提供吗.

批准的预算支持996名全职教师和2,全职员工126人, 与此同时,还要考虑到不断上升的全国通货膨胀率, 并为澳门新葡京博彩的持续发展奠定了基础.

Enhancements that will support student success across the 区 are highlighted down below:





The 澳门新葡京博彩区 proudly offers AlamoPROMISE to graduating high school students across Bexar县; this includes 73+ schools and programs across all Bexar县 public school districts, 宪章, 私人, 家庭学校.

由于服务水平的提高, 该项目估计有22人参加,000名高中毕业生. 澳门新葡京博彩预计招收12名学生,645名2024年秋季/ 2025年春季承诺学者(新的和持续的).

本学年, the program will begin exploring the expansion of AlamoPROMISE-to-AlamoU and an enhancement of the AlamoPROMISE endowment.

AlamoBOOKS +



Access to educational materials should not be a barrier to college access or successful completion.

The launch of AlamoBOOKS + addressed the 48% of students who cite the cost of textbooks as an obstacle. 

The 校董会 approved $22 million for this dual-investment strategy with students, 并将其扩展到高中学生, ensuring the sustainability of the program and providing students with the necessary tools for success.




$1.3 m公司投资

通过提供学士学位, the 阿拉莫大学 aim to empower our students to thrive in competitive job markets and make meaningful contributions to their respective fields.

今年早些时候, the 区 announced AlamoU Bachelor’s Programs across all of our five colleges: 圣安东尼奥学院, 帕洛阿尔托学院, St. 菲利普的大学, 西北维斯塔学院, 以及东北湖景学院即将开设的学位课程. 

AlamoU Bachelor’s Programs is a strategic response to the burgeoning demands of various industries, 特别是在护理方面, 运营管理, 网络安全和云计算. Recognizing the evolving landscape of workforce requirements across the community, the 阿拉莫大学 have taken steps to equip students with the necessary skills to excel in high-wage, 高需求领域,学费可承受.

学生 interested in pursuing AlamoU Bachelor’s Programs will experience a seamless, cost-efficient transition into a four-year degree with no credit loss.




宣传 Centers at each of our five colleges provide our learners with funda精神 resources as part of a district-wide commitment to student well-being and success.

我们的宣传中心帮助满足学习者的身体需求, 精神, 情感健康需求, 让他们在学习中茁壮成长, 建立有意义的关系, 有效地驾驭大学及以后的生活. 

The approved investment will allow for sustained wraparound services, 包括案例经理, a continued partnership with the 圣安东尼奥 Food Bank and UT Health 圣安东尼奥’s Wellness 360, 紧急援助.



All enhancements and the core programs and services need talent to operate and succeed.

The Board expressed their goal of competitive employee compensation in the Board Charges to the Chancellor with an organizational goal to build an employee compensation program that is competitive among nationally recognized, 高绩效社区大学.

Their commitment to retain employees and remain competitive is clear in the following talent strategies that are scheduled to begin on September 1, 2024:

  • $11.3 . 9M市场费率调整.5% for all employees and student workers, including a minimum of $2,000 or $0.96美元/小时和教师高工资,高要求津贴增加3.5%
  • 61.5万美元——联合主席、院长和副校长

  • $303,000员工教育成就计划

  • $706,000教师多年合同



除了投资学生的成功和才能, 委员会还投资于核心服务,以支持以下方面:


  • 教学交付
  • 学术支持


  • 学生服务
  • 大学 & 查阅部门开支


  • 附加福利 & 企业范围的成本

欲了解更多关于2024-25年收入预算的信息,请访问 阿拉莫.edu/budget.