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Chancellor Flores highlights goal of enhancing business and industry partnerships at Moonshot Milestones: 澳门新葡京博彩区州 event

澳门新葡京博彩地区校长. Mike Flores recently delivered his inaugural Moonshot Milestones: 澳门新葡京博彩区州 address in which he spoke about progress made toward institutional goals in his first five years of tenure and provided a look forward to the future, emphasizing the importance of strengthening business and industry partnerships. 

约200人, 由商业和社区合作伙伴组成, attended the event held on February 13 at the 圣安东尼奥 Botanical Garden, 圣安东尼奥商业杂志联合主办的. 

这次活动还包括在炉边与克林顿博士的谈话. 哈里森·凯勒, 高等教育专员, on joint efforts to expand the Texas talent pipeline, 和众议院第8号法案, a historic $683 million investment in community colleges that rewards schools for getting students to complete a degree or certificate. 

在他的演讲中, Flores highlighted the economic challenges facing 圣安东尼奥 and how the 阿拉莫大学 is ensuring individuals can prosper. The average associate degree graduate from the 阿拉莫大学 will see an increase in earnings of $9,400 each year compared to someone with a high school diploma working in Texas. 

“我们知道投资回报率是什么, 我们了解我们的社区, 但登月计划是关于观察我们的环境, realizing the opportunity we have as the 阿拉莫大学 … to change the trajectory of our community and create more credentialed talent. Our moonshot is to partner to end poverty through education and training – whether that’s a certificate, 副学士学位, 很快就会有以劳动力为导向的学士学位,弗洛雷斯说.

Flores highlighted progress made in the past five years on supporting access, 成功, 和整个地区的完工, noting that enrollment is up 16%; college freshman enrollment has surged by 56%; high school dual credit enrollment has increased by 8%, and time to degree has decreased by eight months from 4.4年至3年.7年. 

Among other initiatives highlighted during his presentation were AlamoPROMISE, which is now offered to graduating high school students across Bexar县, the creation of a robust student advocacy network across all five colleges, AlamoBOOKS +, which provides easy textbook rentals to eligible students, the launch of bachelor of nursing program at 圣安东尼奥学院, 转学建议指南的工作, 哪些缩短了完成任务的时间, and the recent culmination of a $450 Groundbreaking Futures million bond project.

Flores also spoke about future milestones for the 区 – including a goal to double workforce capacity in five years, additional bachelor’s degree programs in high demand fields, 4的加法,到2028年,将有超过000名新护士加入工作队伍, an enhanced emphasis on micro-credentials and marketable skills, and the expansion of workforce learning to offer more hands-on training. 

弗洛雷斯说:“我们走了很长一段路. “We have been able to do big things because of the talents of our faculty and staff, 我们70岁的梦想,000多名学生与你们每个人合作, 我们已经用AlamoPROMISE实现了登月计划. But we have other things in the North Star that we would like to achieve.”

To help elevate workforce training in the Greater Bexar县 Region, visit 阿拉莫.edu/partner