



在一次特别会议上, the 澳门新葡京博彩区 校董会 approved the 澳门新葡京博彩区's 2023-2024 operating budget of $503 million.

本预算年度具有历史意义, as the State of Texas invested an additional $683 million into community colleges in Texas, and the 阿拉莫大学 received the largest increase of all 50 community colleges. 

除了史无前例的投资作为一部分 众议院第8号法案, the State Legislature overhauled the community college funding model to focus on four 以学生为中心 outcomes, 奖励大学:

  • The number of credentials of value awarded that position graduates for well-paying jobs.
  • 在高需求领域授予有价值的证书.
  • 成功的学生从社区学院转到四年制大学.
  • Completion of a sequence of dual credit courses to set students on early pathways to success.

“This historic funding supports the students we serve at the 澳门新葡京博彩区 and provides an investment in creating the workforce of the future,”医生说。. 麦克·弗洛雷斯,澳门新葡京博彩地区校长. “It will allow us to enhance our already robust systems and programs to aid our current students on their success journeys and to continue our moonshot of ending decades of generational poverty through education.”

澳门新葡京博彩区’s budget allocation included a new revenue increase of $65.100万(含国家及地方资金).

核准的预算包括下列投资, 其中许多都强调两个关键焦点——学生学习者, by sustaining excellent instructional services and a full suite of wraparound support services and employees by maintaining competitive compensation and fringe benefits and other services aimed at retaining and supporting the 澳门新葡京博彩区’s talented workforce.


增强和创新——31美元.9 M


学生成功- 13美元.2 M

An emphasis on support services for the most vulnerable students in the district include:


  • High School Equivalency and Diploma Program Expansion - An investment to serve 16.8% of 圣安东尼奥 residents age 25+ without a high school diploma by scaling our high school equivalency offerings, 有文凭选项, 在整个地区.


  • Texas Success Initiative Assessment (TSI) Preparation and Corequisite Math Embedded Tutoring - Expand TSI preparation for high school students and adult learners who are not college ready with boot camps, 复习, 以及其他准时制项目. Increase the access and availability of tutoring services by expanding embedded tutoring in corequisite math.


  • AlamoEXPERIENCE职业服务 & Completion Outcomes – Deploy Institute/Industry Account Executives as a single point of contact liaison between industry partners and the colleges and strengthen Career Services to strategically lead career development efforts across the colleges to ensure experiential learning opportunities are available and accessible for students.

  • Advocacy Center Enhancements – Addition of two mental health counselors and 24/7 mental health counseling availability, 此外还有五家案例管理公司,以满足日益增长的服务需求.


天赋- $18.6 M 

The Board approved an employee compensation program that is competitive among nationally recognized, 高绩效社区大学. The Board’s commitment is clear in the following talent strategies that are scheduled to begin on September 1, 2023:

  • 6.教职员工5%的市场利率调整(最低2美元),(每名员工的市场涨幅为1万美元)或相当于0美元的时薪.如兼职,每小时96元
  • High-Wage/High-Demand Stipend Market Adjustments for faculty fields such as Healthcare, Nursing, IT & 制造业
  • 完成教职员平等薪酬调整(书院服务, 学业支持及剩余工作家庭)
  • 教员实验室负荷率从0增加.75 to 0.80
  • Update to Living Wage by providing a minimum rate for existing full-time and part-time staff of $18.05



除了提高和创新学生的成功和才能, the Board also invested $33 million in core services to support institutional reserves, 员工福利和业务增长. 扩展服务的名单如下: 




董事会正在投资将AlamoPROMISE扩展到50多家私人公司, 教区学校和特许学校, as well as home schools in Bexar县 targeting an additional 575 learners as PROMISE scholars.

AlamoBOOKS +扩张

使用新的金融援助SWIFT转移(FAST)国家资金, 澳门新葡京博彩将把AlamoBOOKS+扩展到所有高中课程.