这是西北远景学院院长. 艾米·博斯


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A Seat at the Table with Chancellor Flores: 这是西北远景学院院长. 艾米·博斯

2023年7月. 艾米·博斯 – an innovative higher education administrator with extensive teaching experience and advanced communication, 人力资源, and business expertise – began her position as the third president of 西北维斯塔学院 (NVC), 一个超过17人的充满活力的社区,000名学生和900名员工.

Dr. Bosley has an extensive track record in higher education and has served in various capacities, including Vice President for Institutional Planning Development and Chief of Staff at Valencia 大学 in Central Florida. She is passionate about the community college mission and the impact that college leaders, 教师, 员工对学生也有影响, 他们的家庭, 劳动力, 以及他们的社区.

Dr. Bosley and NVC student Daniel Bigler recently took part in A Seat at the Table with Chancellor Dr. Mike Flores for a conversation on their experiences at NVC and what’s ahead.


  • 是什么吸引了博士?. 博斯利和丹尼尔去NVC
  • 雷士的卓越教育框架
  • Looking at what’s ahead as NVC approaches its 30th anniversary



是什么吸引了博士?. 博斯利和丹尼尔去NVC

Dr. 博斯: 有很多东西——这是一个如此美丽的校园. It’s heavily wooded, beautifully designed, beautiful architecture. 感觉那是个很棒的地方. 教师的素质每天都在超越它, 在那里生活、学习和工作的教职员工和学生. 它总是让我感到惊奇. 对学生接触的承诺, to their learning to their completion to their competition to making sure that they are on the path for jobs that will sustain themselves and 他们的家庭. 它弥漫在我在雷士所看到的一切.

丹尼尔: We have a million services and all of the people that I work with and for are so incredibly passionate and all that drives us is seeing these students come in. …I got into psychology and social work because I wanted to help my community and make it a better place.


Dr. 博斯: 在西北Vista, 大约66%的学生是拉丁裔, 能为他们服务是我们莫大的荣幸. 我们也知道有很多东西可以更好地为他们服务. 招收拉丁裔学生并不是我们的义务. Our obligation and our privilege is to ensure they complete programs of value, that they earn credentials that sustain themselves and 他们的家庭 and we take into account and celebrate and integrate the cultural aspects that make education and community in a responsive way. … We have integrated the Excelencia in Education framework into our strategic plan and that strategic plan is really going to guide our work in the student experience as well as the academic and workforce program planning that is coming. All of that will be constructed in a framework of servingness, we call them our Strategic Vistas. They are not just strategic goals, but really where we’re looking to the future. It is our college name made very real in thinking about serving how we serve all of our students but especially creating space for 66% of students who are Latino.

Looking at what’s ahead as NVC approaches its 30th anniversary

Dr. 博斯: 我们正准备推出我们的第一个学士学位, 将于2024年秋季推出, 所以我们正在为此做准备. 这就是云计算, which is really well aligned with 劳动力 around 西北Vista and beyond. 所以未来的学生可以期待这一点. But what I’m really excited about is a renovated campus spirit, reinvigoration of what makes 西北Vista such a special place and inviting the community on the campus. … We’re really excited to keep on envisioning what the future can look like.


要了解更多关于我们的博士. Bosley and what's happening at 西北维斯塔学院, visit 阿拉莫.edu/nvc.