Fresh Start

The Alamo Colleges’ Fresh Start Program Offers Eligible Students a Second Chance to Complete College


从2024年夏季学期开始, the 澳门新葡京博彩区 is launching a Fresh Start program to offer eligible students who previously attended one of the district’s colleges the opportunity to continue enrollment or re-enroll and complete their degree or certificate.

The program is targeted to students who have a past due balance resulting from one or more terms during Fall 2021 through Fall 2023 terms and are unable to re-enroll because they owe a balance.

A scholarship for the outstanding balance of up to $600 would be awarded once the student meets certain requirements. 学生必须全额支付本学期的学费和学费, if applicable, pay or enroll in a past due payment plan for prior semester(s) outstanding balance.



Complete 免费申请联邦学生援助(FAFSA)


Connect 与他们计划就读的大学的学生倡导服务中心合作


Meet 与顾问一起创建或更新学术计划


Register 完成六个学期学分,成绩达到C或以上

Students who re-enroll under Fresh Start would be able to use any financial aid for which they are eligible.

“重新开始”计划将帮助解决这样一个事实:生活环境, 包括财政限制, transportation, 儿童看护需求, may contribute to students leaving college before completing their degree or certificate.

The program will also benefit taxpayers and the community by helping more students to complete college and qualify for the high-demand, 当地雇主需要填补的高薪职位.


Get started!

1. 这是债务减免计划吗?

No, the purpose of the Fresh Start program is to allow students who owe ACD for past due balances related to classes taken from Fall 2021 - Fall 2023 to be able to continue enrollment or re-enroll at ACD and complete a degree certificate through an awarded scholarship.

2. 这个项目是经济援助项目吗?

No, while ultimately a ‘scholarship’ will be applied to the student’s account once all criteria are met, “奖学金”不是作为基础课程提供的, 优秀奖学金或基于需求的奖学金. 

3. 什么时候生效?

2024年夏季,符合条件的学生可以注册新开始, Fall 2024, 或2025年春季.

4. What are the requirements to qualify for participation in the initial program?
  • Student must have a balance owed as a result of a past term including Fall 2021 - Fall 2023. 
  • 学生的累积平均绩点必须达到2分.0 or higher.

  • 学生必须有良好的学术成绩.

  • Student must have Satisfactory Academic Progress in relation to financial aid eligibility.
  • 学生必须选择参加该计划.
  • Student must register for 6 hours and pay in full (either through Student Financial Aid, 支付计划或其他方式)以当前的学费费率.
  • 学生必须全额付款或进入逾期付款计划, 如果学生在之前规定的期限内欠下超过600美元.
  • Student must connect with one of the five ACD Student Advocacy Recourse Centers.
  • Prior to completion of 6 hours, student must work with assigned advisor to develop an Academic Plan.
5. 被暂停资助的学生怎么办?

被暂停经济资助的学生将需要遵循现行规定 满意的学业进展申诉程序 并提交所有已发表的文件 秋季学期财政援助申请时间表. 暂停经济援助的学生不符合此计划的资格.

6. 学生如何核实资格?


7. Is the 6-hour requirement limited to academic courses or are 继续教育 (CE) courses included?

该计划只允许学术课程. CE课程不包括在内. 

8. 如果学生想注册超过6个学分怎么办?

Students may enroll in more than 6 hours to continue on their academic pathway.

9. How will the students be notified if they have an inactive Apply Texas or need to submit a new FAFSA?


10. If I already paid my debt for the stated semesters and complete 6 hours can I get refunded?

If the student paid the debt prior to enrolling they would not have an eligible balance and would not be part of the initial eligible population. 

11. 符合条件的学生可以注册支付计划来支付学费吗?

Yes, students can sign up for the payment plan to pay for current term tuition charges and will need to make payments on time.

12. 学生如何选择加入?

Students must complete an opt-in form and acknowledge their understanding of the program criteria.

Please click 在这里开始选择加入表格. You will be asked to sign into your ACES account through single sign on to access the form.

13. 什么学术地位被认为是良好的学术地位?

Eligible statuses include; Good Standing, 留校察看, 继续留校察看, 未列入名册. 

Ineligible statuses include; Academic Dismissal, 第二次学术开除, 第三次学术开除, 永久学术解雇.

14. What Satisfactory Academic Progress in relation to Financial Aid are considered eligible?

Eligible statuses include; Academic Plan-Continuation, 取得满意的学业进展, Meets BA SAP, 新生/转学生, 新/双重信用, Probation-Appeal批准, 试用期/双重信用, 未列出状态.

Ineligible statuses include; End Term Suspension, 暂停150% +补偿率, 停学150% + GPA, 暂停150%的时间框架, 150% + GPA +薪酬, 悬挂完井率, Suspension GPA, 暂停GPA +薪酬率.